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Tuesday, August 6, 2013


If your lab is interested in Quality Improvement for Spirometry, I would strongly encourage you to check out Spirometry360 from the University of Washington. This system provides a variety of tools, but importantly quality feedback for each operator/technician doing spirometry in your lab. Tests can be sent for review electronically (if you are using an nDD spirometer) or on paper, and you will get very nice reports about how many of your tests (for each technician) are meeting ATS criteria, and why some tests do not. This does provide work suitable for ABP MOC credit, if you are interested in that, but it's a great way to improve  the quality of your lab testing.

With some of you, I am exploring ways in which similar QI assessments might be created for other lung function tests (plethysmography, diffusion, infant testing, etc).

PFT Lab Survey

We had created a survey of pulmonary function labs approximately 1 year ago to ask about practices, equipment, equations, protocols, etc. If your lab did not previously complete this survey, please head on over to:  http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Y7YCKYR to complete the survey! Thanks

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Exercise Testing

We should have a spot for this, too. What do you do? Treadmill? Bike? What equipment do you use?

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Didn't mean to leave out our most commonly done test for discussion points!